Architecture Overview

Pricing for variants

You can also query the prices for variants. In that case the pricing field no longer returns a range, but a single price.

Query for Variant Price

Let's start with adjusting the ProductByID query by getting a price for each variant as shown below:

# graphql/queries/ProductByID.graphql
query ProductByID($id: ID!) {
  product(id: $id, channel: "default-channel") {
    media {
    category {
variants {
pricing {
price {
gross {
} }

This is similar to getting a price range for a product, except that variants can only have one value for price, thus we use price instead of priceRange.

Displaying the Price for Product Variant

With the price available for each variant, we can now adjust the ProductDetails.tsx component as shown below:

// components/ProductDetails.tsx
import React from 'react';
import { useRouter } from "next/router";

import {
} from "@/saleor/api";

import {
} from '@/components';

import { formatAsMoney } from '@/lib';
const styles = { columns: 'grid grid-cols-2 gap-x-10 items-start', image: { aspect: 'aspect-w-1 aspect-h-1 bg-white rounded', content: 'object-center object-cover' }, details: { title: 'text-4xl font-bold tracking-tight text-gray-800', category: 'text-lg mt-2 font-medium text-gray-500', description: 'prose lg:prose-s' } } interface Props { product: Pick<Product, 'id' | 'name' | 'description' | 'thumbnail' | 'category' | 'media' | 'variants'>; } export const ProductDetails = ({ product }: Props) => { const router = useRouter(); const queryVariant = typeof window ? router.query.variant?.toString() : undefined; const selectedVariantID = queryVariant || product?.variants![0]!.id!;
const selectedVariant = product?.variants!.find((variant) => variant?.id === selectedVariantID);
return ( <div className={styles.columns}> <div className={styles.image.aspect}> <img src={product?.media![0]?.url} className={styles.image.content} /> </div> <div className="space-y-8"> <div> <h1 className={styles.details.title}> {product?.name} </h1> <p className={styles.details.category}> {product?.category?.name} </p> </div> <article className={styles.details.description}> {product?.description} </article> <VariantSelector variants={product?.variants || []} id={} selectedVariantID={selectedVariantID} />
<div className="text-2xl font-bold">
</div> </div> ); }

We are getting the currently selected variant from the route via the query params. The URL contains the identifier of a variant for the product on the current page. Using the identifier you search for the variant object within the response returned via React Hook that triggers the ProductByID query. Having the whole variant object of a product, we can not only display the price for a product variant, but the price will also dynamically change whenver we click to select a different one.

Finally, we define a helper function to format the decimal value of a price. Let's call this function formatAsMoney and put it in the lib/util.ts

// lib/util.ts
export const formatAsMoney = (amount: number = 0, currency = "USD") =>
  new Intl.NumberFormat("en-US", {
    minimumFractionDigits: 2,
    style: "currency",
// lib/index.ts
export { apolloClient } from './graphql';
export { formatAsMoney } from './util';

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