Architecture Overview

Adding to a Cart

In the previous step we added the page that displays the content of a cart. For now it is just a dummy list of products. Let's make the cart page display the actual products that are added to that cart. Saleor API provides the checkoutLinesAdd mutation that takes the checkout token and a list of product variants along with their quantities (lines).

  token: <token>
  lines: [{ quantity: 1, variantId: <product variant id >}]
) {
  checkout {
  error {

Heads up!

When adding a product to a cart, we must use the product variant ID and not the product ID. One of the reasons is that a variant of the same product may have a different price.

The checkoutLinesAdd mutation can provide not only the id of the checkout, but also the entire checkout object with its content available as lines. Let's slightly change the mutation response so that we can use lines for verifying that the mutation was successful. In this context, we will get the id of each line in the cart along with the name of product, its variant and quantity. Call this mutation ProductAddVariantToCart and put it in graphql/mutations/ProductAddVariantToCart.graphql file:

# graphql/mutations/ProductAddVariantToCart.graphql
mutation ProductAddVariantToCart($checkoutToken: UUID!, $variantId: ID!) {
    token: $checkoutToken
    lines: [{ quantity: 1, variantId: $variantId }]
  ) {
    checkout {
      lines {
        variant {
          product {
    errors {

We can now incorporate this mutation into our React application.

Heads up!

In our application we automatically generate React Hooks for GraphQL operations using the GraphQL Code Generator toolset working in the watch mode.

Since we named our mutation ProductAddVariantToCart, this will generate the useProductAddVariantToCart hook.

Open the component for displaying the content of a single product, located at components/ProductDetails.tsx and modify it as shown below:

// components/ProductDetails.tsx
import React from 'react';
import { useRouter } from "next/router";
import { useLocalStorage } from "react-use";
import { useProductAddVariantToCartMutation, Product } from "@/saleor/api";
import { VariantSelector } from '@/components'; import { formatAsMoney } from '@/lib'; const styles = { columns: 'grid grid-cols-2 gap-x-10 items-start', image: { aspect: 'aspect-w-1 aspect-h-1 bg-white rounded', content: 'object-center object-cover' }, details: { title: 'text-4xl font-bold tracking-tight text-gray-800', category: 'text-lg mt-2 font-medium text-gray-500', description: 'prose lg:prose-s' } } interface Props { product: Pick<Product, 'id' | 'name' | 'description' | 'thumbnail' | 'category' | 'media' | 'variants'>; } export const ProductDetails = ({ product }: Props) => { const router = useRouter();
const [token] = useLocalStorage('token');
const [addProductToCart] = useProductAddVariantToCartMutation();
const queryVariant = process.browser ? router.query.variant?.toString() : undefined; const selectedVariantID = queryVariant || product?.variants![0]!.id!; const selectedVariant = product?.variants!.find((variant) => variant?.id === selectedVariantID);
const onAddToCart = async () => {
await addProductToCart({
variables: { checkoutToken: token, variantId: selectedVariantID },
return ( <div className={styles.columns}> <div className={styles.image.aspect}> <img src={product?.media![0]?.url} className={styles.image.content} /> </div> <div className="space-y-8"> <div> <h1 className={styles.details.title}> {product?.name} </h1> <p className={styles.details.category}> {product?.category?.name} </p> </div> <article className={styles.details.description}> {product?.description} </article> <VariantSelector variants={product?.variants || []} id={} selectedVariantID={selectedVariantID} /> <div className="text-2xl font-bold"> {formatAsMoney(selectedVariant?.pricing?.price?.gross.amount)} </div>
<button onClick={onAddToCart} type="submit" className="primary-button" >
Add to cart
</div> </div> ); }

At this stage the important part is the use of the useAddProductToCheckoutMutation hook to prepare (not execute) the mutation and the onAddToCart handler that executes the mutation once the Add to cart button is clicked. We also get the token from the local storage to identify the current checkout session. Finally, once the mutation is executed and the selected product variant is added to the cart, we redirect to the cart page to display the current cart content. There is, however, a problem: we still display the dummy data for the cart. Let's change that in the next section.

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